Kurlon Mattress Price in Vadodara
Kurlon Mattress Price in Baroda
SK Modular Kitchen are experts in kurlon mattress price in Vadodara, kurlon mattress price in Baroda, kurlon mattress prices in Gujarat, kurlon mattress in India, best kurlon mattress price in Vadodara.
The above-stated are some of the issues of interest that require the immediate attention of the management. Kurlon is facing competition from the local players because, as the manufacturing process for rubberized coir mattresses explains, this is more of a commodity business with no real product differentiation in terms of the technology of the product. Kurlon, being a market leader, has to act proactively to recoup its falling market share and sustain itself in the long run.

Kurlon Mattress Prices in Gujarat
SK Modular Kitchen have the quality of kurlon mattress price in Vadodara Baroda Gujarat India, The four most important attributes considered by a consumer for evaluating a mattress, in their order of importance, are softness, thickness, price, and brand name. Kurlon is not a leader in terms of the first three attributes. It is perceived as an expensive brand but still scores high on brand name. The customer-based brand equity scores indicate that the real equity of Kurlon lies in the durability and reliability of its products. Further, these scores indicate that Kurlon scores high on three loyalty variables of switching costs, liking, and satisfaction,
The company can earn a higher rate of return than the industry average by following two competitive strategies: low cost or differentiation. It may strive to be a cost leader in the rubberized coir mattresses market through economies of scale, as being a market leader, it can exploit all sources of cost advantage, The company cannot ignore the shift in tastes and preferences of consumers that are bound to take place with the overall economic development of the country. Mattresses are a lifestyle product and hence more purchasing power with the consumers will lead to their buying better quality,
The company is operating in an environment that is very dynamic both in terms of competition and changes in consumer preferences. If the company does not take the right decisions today, it might not be there tomorrow just as it took certain right decisions forty years ago and is a market leader today. The major strengths of the company are that it has been the largest manufacturer of the mattress with a leading market position, has strong brand recognition, has a top-of-the-mind brand recall, and has a range of products at various price points to offer. Further, this brand is also known for its superior quality,
They are all in different cot sizes and thicknesses too. The company has the strength of using its own technology, process, and manpower to produce foam mattress. It also had one brand for each category. The major weaknesses were found to be low dealer margins, high price, and low sales promotion as compared to its competitors.
specialized retail outlets provide a one-stop-shop for all bedroom needs and should therefore be the focus of the company’s growth strategy. The home furnishing segment does not have too many players and it does not have any player in the branded segment. Kurlon could leverage on its brand by extending it further to other products. Therefore forward integration is the need of the hour.
specialized retail outlets provide a one-stop-shop for all bedroom needs and should therefore be the focus of the company’s growth strategy. The home furnishing segment does not have too many players and it does not have any player in the branded segment. Kurlon could leverage on its brand by extending it further to other products. Therefore forward integration is the need of the hour.
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From mattress and bedroom accessories, it could also move into branded bedroom furniture to gel well with the mattress being provided. As consumers are increasingly becoming conscious of the quality of products they are using and becoming brand conscious, the company could even move into providing furniture and thereby become a company fulfilling all bedroom needs.
Dealers are a point of contact with customers. They are the major influencers
in the purchase decisions. Therefore it becomes imperative to keep the dealers happy. Dealer promotion schemes should be initiated to motivate them to take personal interest to push the products. A sizeable proportion of the promotion budget should be allocated for the dealers.
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