Aluminium Ceiling Sheets
Aluminium Ceiling Sheets in Baroda
S K Modular Kitchen are experts in aluminium ceiling sheets, aluminium ceiling sheets in Baroda, aluminium ceiling sheet in gujarat, aluminium ceiling in India, aluminium sheets in vadodara,
As a specialist in the processing of thin sheet metal, hp-polytechnic handles more than tonnes of material every year. Using a wide variety of materials such as stainless steel, steel sheet, aluminium, tin and copper, the company produces blanks and components for customers in sectors such as sanitation, lighting, shopfitting, machine tools and decorative waste systems.
The company addresses this with an extensive portfolio of different grades, the smart selection of the appropriate material and an in-house deburring centre for the finishing touch. hp-polytechnic has noticed that it often is already the purchase of the appropriate material that decides whether a the high-quality component can also be produced cost-efficiently

Aluminium Ceiling Sheet in Gujarat
S K Modular Kitchen have the quality of aluminium ceiling sheets in Vadodara Baroda Gujarat India, Specimens for bend tests shall be free from burrs. Filling or machining to remove burrs is permitted. Cracks of the base metal developing at the edge of the specimen or coarse grain developing so the line of the bend shall be disregarded.
Metal ceiling plates are made of aluminum or thin-sheet galvanized steel with all sorts of decorative coatings: polymer coating, mirror metalized layer, matte or gloss paint. Their surface can be corrugated, perforated and smooth with the possibility of drawing a picture. Regardless of the type of construction, they all have excellent moisture-proof and noise-insulating properties, durable, easy to maintain, do not absorb odors, and do not require much effort when installing on the site.
as a rule, are coated with a layer of polyester powder paint of high resistance, which is fixed by sintering on a metal surface at high temperature. As a result, the paint on the plates does not crack, does not crumble, and does not peel off. A part of the products is made of high-quality pre-painted raw materials with applying the paint in a “wet” way. When transferring and installing slabs in a hinged ceiling structure, it is desirable to avoid contamination thereof, therefore it is recommended to work with slabs in gloves.
One should begin cleaning of metal plates immediately after contamination. Old dirt is much more difficult to remove, so timely care is a guarantee of durability and preservation of the aesthetic properties of the ceiling structure. To remove surface dirt, just wipe the stove with a clean, soft cloth. To get rid of greasy film and fingerprints, use a sponge soaked in a solution of detergent or mild soap. Pre-press it well. After cleaning, carefully remove the soap stains with a cloth dampened with clean water.
Remember that with an abundance of water on the surface there is a risk of moisture penetration into the joints between the plates or on the reverse surface, which can lead to corrosion of the structure. Fo the same reason, it is undesirable to wash metal thick plates with a high pressure water jet or steam treatment. It is also not recommended to use abrasives and clean the surface with brushes with hard bristles.
The activity of the Training Center on the basis of the company is directed not only at representatives of design organizations, architects, managers of commercial structures, partners of the company, but also at students of architectural and construction universities of Russia. Having our own unique developments and extensive practical experience, we are especially happy to share this knowledge with future professionals.
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The company offers a full range of services and integrated solutions – from the initial measurements and design development to engineering design, installation supervision and turnkey delivery of the finished object with the provision of a complete set of documentation. The Company’s closed production cycle ensures cost reduction and guarantees the consistently high quality of all manufactured products – the end result of collective creative work, creative approach, unlimited imagination, fresh ideas, bold ideas and inventions of the whole team.
The company is steadily increasing production capacity and expands its technological capabilities, seeks and successfully implements new, non-standard solutions, rightly occupying one of the leading places in the market of finishing materials for the construction industry in Russia. Implementation of our engineering solutions would be impossible without the most advanced high-tech production equipment and automated control systems that ensure the highest quality products, strict adherence to specifications, high production efficiency
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